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Smith's 4 Inch Natural Arkansas Sharpening Stone with Base - Yellow

$17.31 Up to 10% OFF
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4 inch natural Arkansas sharpening Stone removes modest amounts of metal as it polishes the cutting edge. No other type of sharpener can perform both these functions simultaneously! the 4 inch x 1 inch sized natural Arkansas Stone is mounted on a plastic base and has a plastic lid to protect the Stone when not in use. During use, the plastic lid can be inserted into the bottom of the Stone base to extend the height of the base and make sharpening your knife safer. The user's fingers grip lower on the base and remove any chance of cutting your fingers when pulling or pushing the knife's cutting edge across the sharpening surface.


  • Sharpens and polishes the cutting edge simultaneously
  • Smaller size stone is easily stored and transported
  • Works well on single or double-bevel knives
  • Cover doubles as base extension


  • Put a small amount of Smith's Honing Solution on your stone.
  • Place your blade on the end of the stone at the desired sharpening angle.
  • Push the blade away from you just like you were trying to cut a thin slice off the top of the stone. Use moderate pressure, let the stone do the work. Repeat this pushing stroke 3 or 4 times. Try to maintain the same approximate angle with each stroke. This is the key to obtaining the sharpest edge.
  • Sharpen the other side of the blade by placing your blade across the opposite end of your stone and repeat previous steps, this time pushing the blade toward you.
  • Continue these steps until you feel your blade is truly sharp.


  • Cleaning your stones will keep the pores free of stone and metal particles. After each use, the Arkansas stones should be cleaned by scrubbing vigorously with water, liquid soap, and a stiff nylon brush.

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